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A Child Removing a Suction-Held Divider on Shabbat

I use a divider, which is held in place by suction cups, on our counter. I rarely moved it, but my young son now likes pulling it off and playing with it. May I allow him to do so on Shabbat, and may I return it when he is finished?

The Sick Fasting on Tisha B’av

How sick does one need to be to be exempt from fasting on Tisha B’av? What food limitations, if any, does he have?

The Laining of a Reading Challenged Boy

A boy in our shul with moderate learning disabilities has an upcoming bar mitzva. He wants to lain like his friends. His parents believe he can do a reasonable job but cannot promise to what extent he will be reading, as opposed to reciting by heart with some prompting from familiar letters.

Basketball Swap?

Two members of my community asked me a no-tension, monetary Halacha question. Reuven Cohen lent Shimon Levi (both under bar mitzva = katan) his basketball. Shimon lost it, and the Levis offered to pay for a new one. The Cohens ordered the exact ball on-line and charged the Levis. Later, the Cohens found the ball in the neighborhood. Who should get the two balls?

Accepting Shabbat Early during Army Service

I am on reserve duty and wonder whether it is better to accept Shabbat early or whether I must be concerned that I may need to do melacha during tosefet Shabbat?

Possible Orla in Soap

I bought an Israeli-produced soap that claims to use fruit extracts for fragrance, without further detail. Does that require a hechsher to ensure it does not contain orla (fruit in a tree’s first three years)?

Barchu Later than the Normal End of Tefilla

One night, the person saying Kaddish at the end of Ma’ariv forgot to say Barchu afterward (Barchu Batra =BB), and the chazan started leading Tehillim (for the war). Could we have done BB after the Tehillim and Mi Sheberach we say?

Eating Meat at a Table with Incidentally Placed Milk Food

I know that it is forbidden to eat fleishig food when others are eating milchig food. If the milk food is not there in the context of eating but, for example, someone put it there while reorganizing the refrigerator, may I eat meat at that time?

Waiting to Return after Kaddish

I have started a year of aveilut and hope to recite many Kaddeishim. I was wondering: after taking three steps back and finishing Kaddish, must I wait before returning to my place?

Shalom Zachar without the Baby and Parents

My son had a baby boy today (Thursday). He will be staying with his wife in the hospital over Shabbat and does not expect to make a Shalom Zachar there. Is there a point for a grandfather to make the Shalom Zachar without the baby and his parents?
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