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Beracha upon Returning Tzitzit

I take off my tzitzit to play ball. When I put my tzitzit back on (still daytime) should I make a beracha?

Bishul Akum on Food that Is Improved by Cooking

I learned that there is no bishul akum (the Rabbinical prohibition on food cooked by a non-Jew) for foods that can be eaten raw (ne’echal chai) because it is considered bishul only if it accomplishes something truly significant. Does this exemption apply even when the food’s improvement through cooking is significant enough to change the beracha to a “higher” one?

Davening Ma’ariv “Early” on Motzaei Shabbat

My neighborhood has a minyan that begins Ma’ariv of Motzaei Shabbat (=MS) 15 minutes before the time for the end of Shabbat in standard calendars. Considering I don’t remember seeing such minyanim, is it permitted to daven so early? Is it okay for me to join?

“Cooked” and Sweetened Wine for Kiddush

Some reputable kosher wines claim to be kosher for Kiddush because they are not mevushal (cooked), but some of them have added sugar. How can it be fit since it is not ra’uy lamizbeach (fit for nesachim (libations))? Also, is wine with sugar excluded from problems of stam yeinam (= styn; a non-Jew touching the wine)?

Right Pronunciation of Shehakol

I pronounce the second-to-last word of Shehakol as “nehiya” (with a kamatz at the end). Someone told me it must be “nehiyeh” (with a segol), which is in the present tense, because we want to say that Hashem provides everything for us today, not only in the past. My dikduk is not good enough to have an opinion. Is he right? If he is right, have I not been yotzei all these years?

Chanuka Lighting Soon Before Leaving House

We have to leave the house around 15 minutes after Chanuka lighting and plan to return around 10 PM. Ideally, I would want to extinguish the candles (we light inside) for safety as we leave. Can I do so? Should we light at that time, or is it better to light when we come home?

Switching Mantels Back on Shabbat

In my shul (I am the rabbi), on the Shabbat after Simchat Torah, the gabbai switched the mantels (sefer Torah covers) of our five sifrei Torah from the white, Tishrei ones to the regular ones between Mincha and Ma’ariv of Motzaei Shabbat. Was that a problem of hachana?

Changing Diapers in the Proximity of Sefarim

Is it permitted to change a baby’s diaper in the vicinity of or in a room with sefarim? If it depends, what are the parameters?

Wrong Beracha on Tefillin Shel Yad

I (an Ashkenazi) accidentally said the beracha of Al Mitzvat Tefillin (=AMT) on my tefillin shel yad and realized right before putting on the shel rosh. What should I have done in regard to berachot – repeat it for the shel rosh? Say L’haniach Tefillin (=LT) on the shel rosh? Something else?

Loaf Status of Pull-Apart Challot

I like to make “pull-apart challot” (baked from unbraided balls of dough that stick together during baking) and assume that they count as a kikar (loaf) of lechem toward lechem mishneh. Can such a challa count as at least two loaves? If not, will it help to pull it apart before Hamotzi?
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