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How to Acquire Borrowed Araba’a Minim?

I know that to share a set of lulav and etrog (=l&e), one has to give it to his friend as a matana al m’nat l’hachzir (=mamlh; a present on condition to return it to the original owner). However, I see people just handing it to another without speaking or doing anything special. Is that sufficient?

Mitzvot of Meals for Those Who Must Eat on Yom Kippur

I unfortunately must eat basically regularly on Yom Kippur. Which of the mitzva elements of a Yom Tov meal (Kiddush, Hamotzi, Birkat Hamazon additions) should I do?

Crying in Rosh Hashana Davening

One of our chazanim and a minority of our congregants cry/encourage crying during our tefillot on the Yamim Nora’im. I understand this on Yom Kippur, but I was taught that Rosh Hashana is a happy day on which we coronate Hashem. I am not much of a natural crier. Should I try to cry or not?

Things that End the Meal and Ramifications

When do we say that thinking or doing things that indicate the end of a bread meal make it necessary to make a beracha before eating more?

The Significance of a Sefer Torah’s Position

I learned that Sephardim lain from an erect sefer Torah and Ashkenazim lain when it is inclined to follow their respective minhagim on a mezuza’s position. Is that a reason for individuals to hear kri’at haTorah according to their minhag?

Hanging and Using Hammocks on Shabbat

I want to buy a hammock and am considering two types. One is attached to two trees, and one is fastened to a frame that sits on the ground. Are there problems, for either type, with hanging them (ohel (canopy/tent-like structure)?) or using them on Shabbat?

Davening and Putting on Tefillin after Passing Date Line

I am traveling from New York westward to Japan (flight XX YY), leaving early Monday afternoon and arriving Tuesday afternoon. What do I do about davening and tefillin?

A Child Removing a Suction-Held Divider on Shabbat

I use a divider, which is held in place by suction cups, on our counter. I rarely moved it, but my young son now likes pulling it off and playing with it. May I allow him to do so on Shabbat, and may I return it when he is finished?

The Sick Fasting on Tisha B’av

How sick does one need to be to be exempt from fasting on Tisha B’av? What food limitations, if any, does he have?

The Laining of a Reading Challenged Boy

A boy in our shul with moderate learning disabilities has an upcoming bar mitzva. He wants to lain like his friends. His parents believe he can do a reasonable job but cannot promise to what extent he will be reading, as opposed to reciting by heart with some prompting from familiar letters.
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