Shabbat Parashat Matot 5771Parashat Hashavuah: Nothing for Naught – Including NunHarav Yosef CarmelWhen the tribes of Gad and Reuven accepted Moshe’s conditions for their acquisition of the East Bank of the Students of Rashi posit that everything that happens is hinted somewhere in the Torah (see Avot 5:22). This is one example where the Torah, by leaving out a letter, hinted at a story that would occur several hundreds of years later. Na’aman was a powerful and successful general of the nation of Where did Elisha get his idea? While there is no problem in saying that Hashem told him directly to give this instruction, there actually is a hint in the Torah, which, Rashi’s students say, guided Elisha to the idea. They point out that Na’aman’s name begins and ends with a ð, as do three p’sukim in the Torah, including two where the ð is in its position only due to a grammatical exception. The first of these three speaks about tzara’at (Vayikra 13:9). The second is our pasuk, which ends with the word éøãï ( Let us end off with a cautionary note. Although these types of hints are part of the wonderful mysteries of the Torah, it is unwise for non-prophets to try to guess the future based on them. Top of page
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This edition of is dedicated o.b.m Hemdat Yamim is endowed by Les & Ethel Sutker of Louis and Lillian Klein, z”l Dedicated in memory of bat Harav David and Bina 24 Tammuz, This edition of Rabbi Shlomo Merzel o.b.m, |