Shabbat Parashat Vayishlach 5772P'ninat Mishpat: Return of Money After Unused Services(from Hemdat Mishpat, Eikev 5761, rulings of Beit Din Eretz Hemdah-Gazit)Case: The plaintiff’s (=pl) mother (=dec) moved to Ruling: There is a machloket among Rishonim regarding the case of a renter who was prevented from continuing the rental. The Rashba says that even if the renter died, payment should continue. The Maharam says that in such a case, the renter is exempt. The Shulchan Aruch accepts the Rashba’s opinion. The Rama says that the question is unsreolved, and therefore whoever controls the money, keeps it. In our case, since pl paid, she is not entitled to a refund. One could say that the payment to an assisted-living home is different than renting a home. In the latter case, the rental is like temporary buying and once this is done, there is no backing out. In contrast, regarding assisted living, one is paying for services, and we should compare it to one who hires a worker and then does not need him. (We do not need to get into the particulars of that issue because of the following). Pl signed an explicit contract stating that the money would not be refundable, including in the case of death. The claim of being pressured into signing the contract is not valid because it is common for agreements to be made under a variety of situations of pressure, and an agreement is still an agreement. One can consider the possibility that the law of the land precludes unfair contracts, especially standardized ones where the weaker party has little ability to negotiate. In this case, though, the condition is fair. It is normal to pay in a manner of no refunds for a single unit of time, certainly for a month at a time. This allows both sides to plan their finances, as def explained sufficiently. Def’s willingness to return a fifth of the payment is beyond the letter of the law but will be made a binding gesture with this ruling. Top of page
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