Shabbat Parashat Teruma 5772Parashat Hashavuah: The Building of the Temple – What and When?Harav Yosef CarmelOur parasha deals with the construction of the Mishkan (Tabernacle), the spiritual center of the Jewish people. This is where the Divine Presence dwelled, as the pasuk says: “They shall build for Me a sanctuary, and I will dwell in their midst” (Shemot 25:8). After Bnei Yisrael entered Eretz Yisrael, the Mishkan was situated in Shilo for hundreds of years, and this was the place where people came to bring sacrifices and come thrice yearly for their religious duties. However, there is no hint that Shilo had any role in other elements of running the country, governmentally or judicially. This is in contrast to the situation in the desert, where Moshe’s leadership emanated from the Mishkan. It was there that Moshe continued to receive the teachings that made up the Torah, until it was sealed in the 40th year in the desert, upon Moshe’s death. We will try to see what happened in this regard in the Beit Hamikdash ( If the Beit Hamikdash was completed in Cheshvan, why was the inauguration held in Tishrei? It is likely that Shlomo felt it was appropriate to celebrate specifically in the festive month of Tishrei. It could be that Shlomo moved up the inauguration a month before the final completion of the building. Alternatively, he could have waited eleven months until the next Tishrei. It is also possible that the Beit Hamikdash complex was built in two stages. The actual Our prayer is that the governmental institutions, prominent among them, the Knesset (whose building is called Mishkan Haknesset), will fulfill their roles properly as those that help the Divine Presence dwell among us. Then Givat Ram (The Hill of the Lofty, where the Knesset is situated) will be an expression of the Divine, about Whom the pasuk says: “Ram v’nisa” (lofty and elevated) (Yeshaya 57:16). Top of page
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This edition of Rabbi Shlomo Merzel o.b.m, Hemdat Yamim is dedicated to the memory of Gershon (George) ben Chayim HaCohen Kaplan o.b.m. |