Shabbat Parashat Nitzavim Vayeilech 5773Ein Ayah: Preserving the National Element of the Torah(condensed from Ein Ayah, Berachot 9:329)Gemara: [We continue the story of the demand made of Chanina to stop setting the calendar outside of Eretz Yisrael.] [The emissaries of the rabbis of Eretz Yisrael] said [to Chanina]: They said to us: “Go and tell him in our name [to cease].” If he listens, good; and if not, he shall be excommunicated. And tell our brothers in the Diaspora. If they listen to us, good; if not, let them go up to a mountain. Achiya can build an altar; Chanaya can play a musical instrument, and all can apostatize and say: “We have no part in the G-d of Ein Ayah: It is important to realize that Bnei Yisrael is its own distinct and unique entity in the world, with its own special laws. It is not merely due to the needs of a simple religion within which a person tries to draw close to his Maker in actions and thoughts. If the focus were just on the individual, not the nation, there would not be a need for such a separate nation. It would suffice to inculcate the people with a spirit of Torah and attach an emotion of sanctity, as is common among nations, and we could serve Hashem in a manner that is compatible with the service of other nations. That is why the emissaries talked about going up to a mountain, which symbolizes that which is common among the nations of the world. The foundation of For this reason, it would be a bad mistake to join in the service of Hashem with other nations before that point, even if the latter accepted basically correct tenets in certain areas of philosophy. This is a mistake that could occur if someone saw the Torah as a religion of the individual, for his personal enrichment, without stressing the idea of the “Torah of Israel.” The mistaken could go and build an altar outside of Eretz Yisrael, which they would find appropriate when this is what their spirits dictate it. Similarly the desire to play a musical instrument is logical when one does not realize that well beyond individualism lies the foundation of the Torah, which can light up the whole world from the light of Israel (see Yeshaya 10:17). The deep personal gain that individuals receive from their Maker stems from the great gift that Hashem will give the Nation of Israel and the whole world. This occurs when Thus, the part that everyone has in the G-d of When the people reconfirmed their connection to the national Torah, they emotionally felt the sanctity of the forefathers and the covenant, which explains their weeping. They stated their true desire to avoid the mistake of individualism and committed themselves to the value of the nation in its Land, bringing light to all nations of the world, proclaiming: “We have a part in the G-d of Top of page
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Refuah Sheleimah for Rabanit Itah bat Chana Ehrenreich & Mr. Eliyahu ben Sara Carmel amongst the sick of Klal Yisrael
This edition of is dedicated Yechezkel Shraga Brachfeld o.b.m Hemdat Yamim is endowed by Les & Ethel Sutker of Louis and Lillian Klein, z”l Hemdat Yamim |