Shabbat Parashat Beshalach 5774P'ninat Mishpat: Authority to Rule Based on Convicton Over Halachic Evidence(based around Tashbetz I:90)[Rav Shimon ben Tzemach was born in 1361 in the Spanish island of Majorca, where he served as a doctor. He fled Majorca in 1391 during anti-Jewish agitation and moved across the Mediterranean to The responsa before us was written to explain to someone the basics in an area of halacha the latter did not understand, not as a response to a specific case. Nevertheless, an element of the teshuva made it into the halachic classic, the Beit Yosef, Choshen Mishpat 346. The matter is the concept of b’alav imo (see Shemot 22:13-14), whereby if the owner of a borrowed object was working for the borrower at the time of the borrowing, the borrower does not have to pay if something happens to the object. This is perhaps the classic example of a chok within the laws of monetary affairs. One of the interesting things about this response is that the chiddush is in the interplay between Choshen Mishpat and Orach Chayim, specifically regarding communal matters of a shul. This is the section of the responsum upon which we will focus.] First, realize that if the owner is working for the borrower (or any other type of watchman), it does not make a difference if the work involves the owner’s object. The gemara (Bava Metzia 97a) says that certain workmen for the people of the city, including the barber and the bloodletter (doctor is approximately the modern equivalent) are considered working for the people of the city in general. The gemara also tells about the debate between Rava and his students. The latter claimed that regarding these halachot, Rava would be considered working for them. Rava responded that it was the students who were working for him, since he could choose the curriculum. The gemara concludes that generally Rava was right, but at certain times of the year, when the subject matter had to relate to the issues of the time of the year, Rava was considered their worker, and if they lost his object, they would be exempt. Top of page
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