Shabbat Parashat Tazria Metzora 5775Ein Ayah: The Torah’s Impact on Our Spiritual and Physical Lives(condensed from Ein Ayah, Shabbat 2:16)Gemara: The pasuk says, “Outside of the partition of the testament [between the Holy and the Holy of Holies] they will arrange [the menora (candelabrum)]” (Shemot 27:21). Did He really need its light? Is it not so that during the forty years in the desert, they went in His light? Rather it is a testament to the people of the world that the Divine Presence dwells within Ein Ayah: The internal light, the light of the Torah, divine inspiration, and prophecy, flowed from the light that emanated from the Beit Hamikdash. Hashem provided it for The light of Torah provides Bnei Yisrael with guidance that elevates them above the lowliness of materialism and brings them close to the divine light. Even if this light would keep them in the dark concerning external, nonspiritual life and not help them progress and adorn their intellect in practical physical matters, this spiritual light would still be worthwhile. However, in truth, Hashem’s Torah also teaches us things in mundane life. Its wisdom helps us succeed and become a powerful nation, full of practical knowledge and wisdom, as the Torah’s special sanctity elevates By means of parable, the menora spread its light outside the partition of the testament. The light at this location indicates internal light, connected to the honor of Hashem, reaching beyond to provide One may wonder: why does a holy nation, which possesses holy, internal light, need external light, whose purpose is for matters that are the realm of the nations, whose satisfaction is limited to external life. That is what the gemara meant by saying, “Is it not so that during the forty years in the desert, they went in His light?” In other words, during that time, when If The gemara continues by explaining that the light was to show the world that the Divine Presence dwelled in Top of page
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