Shabbat Parashat Yitro | 5769The Two Elements of Geula (Liberation)Ein AyahGemara: All agree that Bnei Yisrael were liberated from Ein Ayah: The redemption from slavery to freedom, in general, has the following two effects on a nation. The first is that there is an internal sense of freedom, which gives the spirit a feeling of uplifting, having left the lowliness of slavery and becoming a free man and a master of one’s own destiny. The second is in regard to the activity that is visible to the whole world, as the nation becomes free and vibrant. Regarding Therefore, the elements of liberation were broken up into two parts. Internal liberation from Egyptian control was accomplished at night. This relates not to the main publicizing of the matter for all to see but to the good feeling that accompanies the internal freedom. The exodus was in the daytime, with a strong hand, open for all of the world to see. This demonstrated their activity in the world, to educate and do good for all of mankind, who are created in Hashem’s image, to give light in Hashem’s light, as the pasuk says: “Nations will walk in your light and kings to the glow of your shining” (Yeshaya 60:3). [The disagreement is whether to stress the haste of Rabbi Akiva said that Therefore, that which it says that Hashem took us out of In truth, there are two parts to the liberation: that of day and that of night. This is important because eventually the nation would return to subjugation. Therefore, it was important to teach the nation that the future enslavement would impede only their influence over others. The uplifting of the spirit and the innate advantage that was secured with the Egyptian liberation of the night will remain forever, as “for Me are Top of page
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This edition of Hemdat Yamim is dedicated to the memory of HaRav Professor Reuben M. Rudman ob”m as well as R ' Meir ben Yechezkel Shraga Brachfeld o.b.m Hemdat Yamim is endowed by Les & Ethel Sutker of and Louis and Lillian Klein, z”l. |