Shabbat Parashat Vaetchanan| 5770Hemdat HaDaf Hayomi: Swearing to Fulfill a Mitzvah (27a)Rav Ofer LivnatAv 7-13, Shevuot 21-27
This week in the Daf Hayomi we continue to learn the issue of a person's obligation to fulfill his oaths. In general, a person who mistakenly transgresses an oath must bring a sacrifice, and if he did so purposely, he receives lashes. However, there are a few exceptions to this rule. One of the exceptions is a person who swore to fulfill a Mitzvah. According to the opinion of the Chachamim in the Mishna (27a), a person who swore to fulfill a Mitzvah, and did not do so, is exempt, as one is only liable for oaths dealing with issues that one is not obligated on. However, the Gemara in Nedarim (8a) states that a person may swear to fulfill a Mitzvah, in order to strengthen his commitment to the Mitzvah. This seems difficult, since if the oath has no significance, why is one permitted to swear?
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