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1 ... Tzofnat Yeshayahu

Language: Hebrew

Book Launching Campaign
Rabbi Yosef Carmel
The Prophet Yeshayahu performed in one of the most stormy and dramatic periods of the Israeli nation's life, a period of anticipation for the Messiah that was broken by a terrible earthquake, and also caused a spiritual and political upheaval. The light at the end of the tunnel shone again only in the days of Chizkiyah.
"Tzofnat Yeshayahu – from Uziya to Ahaz" introduces us to three kings who stood at this crossroads in our nation's history: Uziya, a king who seeked God but was stricken with leprosy because of his sin; Yotam, the most righteous king in the history of our people; And Ahaz, the king who knew God but did not believe in His providence.
In his commentary on the prophecies of Yeshayahu, Rabbi Yosef Carmel, Head of the Eretz Hemdah-Gazit rabbinical court and a disciple of Rabbi Shaul Israeli zt"l, clings to the words of Hazal, our sages, and to the commentaries of the Rishonim, the great Jewish scholars of the middle ages, and offers a fascinating way to study Tanach. This reading attempts to explain the Divine Plan in this difficult period and to clarify fundamental issues in faith. Tzofnat Yeshayahu reveals to the reader the meaning of the prophecies in the context of the prophet's generation and their relevance to our generation.

2. Chemdat Moshe

Language: Hebrew
Price: 15 USD

By Rav Moshe Ehrenreich

In-depth study, using logic and depth of understanding, by connecting the Talmudic discources to the words of the halachic authorities, were the guiding principles of the approach to Torah study of our mentors and teachers, Rav Shaul Yisraeli and Rav Chaim Yaakov Goldwicht zt"l.

The wonderful connection between the writings of the Rabbis in the Talmudic discussions and the practical Halacha as found in the Tur and the Shulchan Aruch, the deep insights of Rabbi Akiva Eiger, the K'tzot Hachoshen, the Netivot Hamishpat, the Gra, and other important works, which include the analytical give and take between them, open before us a deep and fascinating world, in which the difficult path through them brings great sastisfaction and causes the student to reach wonderful heights.

3 ... A Glimpse at Greatness

Published: 2013
Language: English
A Study in the Works of Giants of Lomdus
(Halachic Analysis(
Including Short Biographies of the Featured Authors and "An Introduction to Lomdus”
by Rabbi Daniel Mann, Dayan at Beit Din "Eretz Hemdah - Gazit"

4 ... Mishtar Umedina BeIsrael al pi Hatorah

Language: Hebrew
Price: 44 USD

5. Keter L’Melech Five Volumes

Published: 2023
Language: Hebrew
Price: 50 USD

Five Volumes: Shemot, Vaeira, Bo, Chayei Sarah and Lech-Lecha

By Rav Eliyahu Silverman

An anthology and summary of commentaries on every verse of the Torah - from the words of Chazal through to contemporary sages. In addition, featuring analysis and discussion of central topics, as well as words of inspiration and mussar arising from the text.


6. Keter L’Melech Parashat Shemot

Language: Hebrew
Price: 12 USD

By Rav Eliyahu Silverman

An anthology and summary of commentaries on every verse of the Torah - from the words of Chazal through to contemporary sages. In addition, featuring analysis and discussion of central topics, as well as words of inspiration and mussar arising from the text.

7. Keter L’Melech Parashat Vaeira

Language: Hebrew
Price: 12 USD

By Rav Eliyahu Silverman

An anthology and summary of commentaries on every verse of the Torah - from the words of Chazal through to contemporary sages. In addition, featuring analysis and discussion of central topics, as well as words of inspiration and mussar arising from the text.

8. Keter L’Melech Parashat Bo

Language: Hebrew
Price: 12 USD

By Rav Eliyahu Silverman

An anthology and summary of commentaries on every verse of the Torah - from the words of Chazal through to contemporary sages. In addition, featuring analysis and discussion of central topics, as well as words of inspiration and mussar arising from the text.

9. Keter L’Melech Parashat Lech-Lecha

Language: Hebrew
Price: 12 USD

By Rav Eliyahu Silverman

An anthology and summary of commentaries on every verse of the Torah - from the words of Chazal through to contemporary sages. In addition, featuring analysis and discussion of central topics, as well as words of inspiration and mussar arising from the text.

90. Keter L’Melech Parashat Chayei Sarah

Language: Hebrew
Price: 12 USD

By Rav Eliyahu Silverman

An anthology and summary of commentaries on every verse of the Torah - from the words of Chazal through to contemporary sages. In addition, featuring analysis and discussion of central topics, as well as words of inspiration and mussar arising from the text.

Bikurei ha-Aretz II

Language: Hebrew

Articles that were written by outstanding Yeshiva High Schools students in the Jerusalem area who are learning in the “Yagdil Torah” program at “Eretz Hemdah”.

Ele Hem Moaday

Language: Hebrew
Price: 13 USD

Ele Hem Moaday

Language: Hebrew
Price: 13 USD

Ha-Medina ha-Yehudit

Language: Hebrew

Can the State of Israel today be the beginning of the redemption? Halachic and philosophical questions sent to HaRav Moshe Bergman – Rav of the Zionist community of San Paulo, Brazil and a former researcher of Machon HaTorah VeHaMedinah at “Eretz Hemdah”

Index to Gesher ha-Hachayim, Part I

Language: Hebrew

By HaRav Yechiel Michel Tikochinsky, zt”l, compiled by Mr. Eliezer Jeselsohn.The pamphlet is free of charge, a donation would be welcomed

Itsumo Shel Yom

Language: Hebrew
Price: 10 USD
An in-depth study of the temple service of the Kohen Gadol on Yom Kippur. Authored by Rav Yisrael Sharir, son-in-law of Maran Hagaon HaRav Shaul Yisraeli zt”l.

Mishne Torah LaRambam

Language: Hebrew
Price: 40 USD
The four judicial book of the Rambam in one volume, with a clear and concise commentary and appendices on modern day issues: the Halachic status of the State of Israel, contracts according to Halacha, laws of ribbit (interest), and heter iska.

Shem Mordechai

Language: Hebrew
Price: 10 USD
Insights and explanations on the works of Rabeinu Chananel and his students the Rif and the Rambam, by Rav Mordechai Hochman, our alumnas, published through the Machon.

Shulchan Shmuel – Chupa & Kidushin

Language: Hebrew
Price: 13 USD

The book brings the sources of the laws: Mikra, Mishna, Gemara & Rishonim (from the "Beit Yosef") and show the sequence of the Halachah (Shulchan Aruch and the Rem"a) from the sources.
In addition, in the end of the book there are pictures of a mikveh and its water storage, and a description of how the mikveh is constructed with the store for seeding and the store produced by contact.
Written by Rav Shmuel Yerushalmi

Shulchan Shmuel – Mikva'ot (Ritual bath)

Language: Hebrew
Price: 8 USD

Shulchan Shmuel – Chupa & KidushinThe book brings the sources of the laws: Mikra, Mishna, Gemara & Rishonim (from the "Beit Yosef") and show the sequence of the Halachah (Shulchan Aruch and the Rem"a) from the sources.
In addition, in the end of the book there are pictures of a mikveh and its water storage, and a description of how the mikveh is constructed with the store for seeding and the store produced by contact.
Written by Rav Shmuel Yerushalmi

Tal li-Vracha, Volumes I

Language: Hebrew
Price: 14 USD

A book written by HaRav Rami Brachyahu, a former researcher at Machon HaTorah VeHaMedina. It contains hundreds of questions relating to current, timely problems, which are faced in religious settlements

USD 14 each volume

Tal li-Vracha, Volumes II

Language: Hebrew
Price: 14 USD

A book written by HaRav Rami Brachyahu, a former researcher at Machon HaTorah VeHaMedina. It contains hundreds of questions relating to current, timely problems, which are faced in religious settlements

USD 14 each volume

Torat Ishai

Language: Hebrew
Price: 13 USD
Laws concerning Hilchot Eidut (witnesses) based on the order of the Shulchan Aruch, with the Shulchan  Aruch’s sources along with new laws that emenate from the works of the Poskim. The principles of the laws are explained based on the famous Rishonim and Achronim opinions and are divided according to topics.

Tsofenat Eliyahu

Language: Hebrew

Commentary on the Vilna Gaon’s commentary on the laws of financial damages (in Shulchan Aruch Hoshen Mishpat). The commentary allows easier study of the Vilna Gaon’s teachings. The book can also serve as an explanation of the first six chapters of Masechet Bava Kama. Written by HaRav Yosef Carmel, dean of Eretz Hemdah.

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