Shabbat Parashat Tazria Metzora 5772Parashat Hashavuah: United by the MoonRav Daniel MannThis week, Jewish communities will be reading three parshiyot: in There is, though, a deeper connection between the haftara and the upcoming semi-festival of Rosh Chodesh. We should take note that David is related to the new moon. The fact that we recite Hallel, consisting of psalms from his Tehillim, may not be so telling, as we recite his psalms on a daily basis. But in the prayers of Kiddush Levana, we recite the famous saying: “David, King of Israel, is alive and remains.” This statement is also found in an esoteric gemara discussing the emergence of the new moon (Rosh Hashana 25a). Several sources point out the connection between the With this introduction, we can find an additional message in the opening of the haftara. Yonatan told David, “Tomorrow is the new moon.” In other words, “Your kingdom is just around the corner.” One can add that we do not classically (when the new moon was declared based on witnesses appearing in court) know exactly when the new month will be declared. In that way, the imagery is that Yonatan was saying that David was basically ready to assume leadership. It was just a matter of time, whose exact details depended on when, through Hashem’s providence, Shaul and/or the people would be ready to admit it and accept it. Indeed there were many stages in David’s ascendance to leadership, from his status as a war hero, to his leadership over a band of supporters, to acceptance by part of a fractured nation, to his rule in We find ourselves in a juncture in history where there are undeniable signs of the development of an upcoming return of the House of David with all its glory. In the meantime, we read together “Machar Chodesh” and wonder when the clouds will move away and how the moon will look when it will finally be fully visible. Top of page
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